In Spike Lee’s 2002 movie ‘The 25th Hour’ Edward Norton stars as a New York kingpin, who is convicted for drug distribution. The film follows Norton’s character Monty as he spends his last 24 hours before reporting for his 7 year prison sentence. In this last day,...
Bridgehaven Team
The Who in Waiting
Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People “The longer we have time to think about what we are waiting for, the longer we have time to consider how we have no ability to deliver it; and the longer we have...
Biblical Maturity is Never Just About What You Know
Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People “Biblical maturity is never just about what you know; it’s always about how grace has employed what you have come to know to transform the way you...
Remembering Our Mission During The Holidays
During the holiday season we often are thrown together with those who have known us longest and best, our family and friends. After all, they knew us “when,” and that can sometimes feel awkward, even vulnerable. As Christians we desperately want those who know us...
A New Way Bridgehaven Wants to Serve You
Bridgehaven’s Consulting Ministry wants to come along side your church, non-profit organization, or ministry organization to provide guidance, expertise, and direction. Bridgehaven developed its consulting ministry out of the desire to share the experience and...
Some Spiritual Applications of Running a Marathon
On November 15, 2014, I had the opportunity of running my first marathon. On that chilly morning of November 15 as I lined up with everyone else who trained for several months leading up to the same goal—completing 26.2 miles—I felt a commonality among us....
Addiction Recovery Process Group
Starting January 12th, Bridgehaven will offer our next Addiction Recovery Group for those who struggle with substance or behavioral addictions. These groups are designed to assist those entangled in life dominating patterns. Our recovery groups provide a...
Gracing with Your Presence
When a person comes seeking help for some sort of relational or emotional issue, our mind quickly shifts into problem identification mode. We analyze their life searching for patterns or themes, attempting to find snug categories, and then implementing the appropriate...
The Blinding Ability of Sin
Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People “The blinding ability of sin is so powerful and persuasive that you and I literally need daily intervention.” Paul David Tripp–page 73 The tactic...