Dear Women’s Ministry Coordinators, “Every person we minister too is both glorious and broken.” Dr. Sam Williams, Professor Biblical Counseling at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary I love this quote by Dr. Williams because it describes so beautifully the heart...
Bridgehaven Team
The Danger of Comparing Ourselves to Others
Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp: A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People “In the face of his [God’s] glory I am left naked with no glory whatsoever to hold before myself or anyone else. As long as I am comparing myself to others, I...
How Bridgehaven’s Therapuetic Process Group Can Help YOU Overcome Addiction
As Bridgehaven prepares to launch an Addiction Recovery Group this September 15, it would be helpful for us to understand the unique distinctions of a therapeutic process group.A therapeutic process group is not a: 12-step group Peer-support group Church small group...
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) is committed to providing more than excellent education for aspiring pastors. SEBTS also wants to be a part of equipping the entire church to become more excellent at their non-vocational ministries. This is the...
Effective Counseling is Interactive
What do I look for in a biblical counselor? What should I expect during the first session? What questions should I ask the counselor? Where do I go to find biblical counselors in my area? The following post includes a few simple guidelines to briefly address the...
Parenting in the Digital Age
"Covenantal Parenting, Creational View of Technology, & Transformational Approach" As we take a look today at some of the technology and social media used by our children, and consider how to shepherd them…it is important for us to examine the different components...
The Many Meanings of “I Don’t Know.”
Television programs at times have interruptions due to important events, noting, “We now interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring this important announcement.” This blog will be an interruption of the “regularly scheduled” one on Dangerous Calling to...
The Race that is Set Before Us
You could argue that the biblical story is about three locations. The garden in Genesis was a location of perfection and beauty but became a place of sin and trouble. The hill of Calvary was a place of both horrible suffering and transforming grace. And the New...
Location, location, location!
Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People Pastor, make sure you are being pastored the entire time you are pastoring others. Seek out a mature and reliable person with whom you can share...