Parenting in the Digital Age

“Covenantal Parenting, Creational View of Technology, & Transformational Approach” As we take a look today at some of the technology and social media used by our children, and consider how to shepherd them…it is important for us to examine the...

The Many Meanings of “I Don’t Know.”

Television programs at times have interruptions due to important events, noting, “We now interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring this important announcement.” This blog will be an interruption of the “regularly scheduled” one on Dangerous Calling to...

The Heart of the Sober Minded

Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People “Monasteries were a failure because they neglected one very significant biblical truth: the biggest danger to every human being, even those in ministry, is...