by Kathy King | Feb 25, 2013 | Ministry, Pride
Signs—they are all around us as indicators of something. Octagonal red stop signs are indicators to stop. Yield signs are indicators to be ready to stop if another driving is coming. Bridges have signs as reminders to slow down because they may ice in cold weather....
by Omar King | Feb 18, 2013 | Identity, Ministry
Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People “If you are not attaching your identity to the unshakable love of your Savior, you will ask the things in your life to be your Savior, and it will never...
by Neale Davis | Feb 11, 2013 | Ministry, Pride
Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People “No one is more influential in your life than you are, because no one talks to you more than you do.” P. 33. When I was in college my parents bought...
by Kathy King | Feb 4, 2013 | Ministry, Pride
Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People “Sin plays havoc with our spiritual vision. Although we are able to see the sin of others with specificity and clarity, we tend to be blind to our own. And the...