The Blinding Ability of Sin

  Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People   “The blinding ability of sin is so powerful and persuasive that you and I literally need daily intervention.” Paul David Tripp–page 73 The tactic...

The Humility and Difficulty of Surrender

In John 15, the Lord notes that He is the Gardener. Christ is the vine, and we are the branches. There are certain times in our lives that the Lord may bring about a time of pruning. Surrendering one’s rights or desires to the Lord may be a type of pruning. He may be...

The Lost Art of Solitude

“Solitude does not pull us away from our fellow human beings but instead makes real fellowship possible.”  ~Henri Nouwen “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”  ~Augustine I’ve become increasingly aware of a pervasive...

Letter to Women’s Ministry Leaders

Dear Women’s Ministry Coordinators, “Every person we minister too is both glorious and broken.” Dr. Sam Williams, Professor Biblical Counseling at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary I love this quote by Dr. Williams because it describes so beautifully the heart...