A Level Playing Field

Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People     “If every pastor is, in fact, a man in the middle of his own sanctification, shouldn’t he be receiving the normal range of the ministry of the body...

Family First

  Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People   Is it safe to assume that your pastor is loving his wife, children and extended family? (p. 79) In the last section of chapter 5 under the heading A...

The Danger Of Living In Isolation

Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People     “Be sure that your pastor and his family are regularly invited to the homes of families in your church.” p. 81 It’s easy for pastors to forego...

Pursuing Holiness in Community

Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People     Pastor, make sure you are being pastored the entire time you are pastoring others. Seek out a mature and reliable person with whom you can share...

To Loved Ones Around Those in Ministry

Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People   “There are changes needed in the shape of pastoral culture. How can we realistically expect anyone in the middle of the sanctification process to live...

Listen to the Sounds Under the Hood

Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People     “Joe (a pastor) was convinced of something that I (Tripp) have heard many pastors say to me as well: he was convinced that everyone else in the...

Get Some Rest

  Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People   “Yet being the man he thought he needed to be, working to be more publicly righteous than he actually was, was exhausting and burdensome.” Page 77...

Good News

  Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People   “Joe worried about how the knowledge of his struggles would harm people's hope in the power of the gospel. He didn't want people to question the...

The Artificial Stability of Self-Reliance in Ministry

Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People     “It also means that they will struggle to be patient with people who are messing up or have lost their way. Self-righteous people tend not to be...