Grief’s Anacampserote

  [3 min. read—client resource] Grief’s ana. . . what? I didn’t make this word up. I promise. Don’t let its multisyllabic arrangement scare you. It doesn’t roll off the tongue easily, now does it. And I am not trying to be pretentious. What you will discover with...

Two New Providers!

  [2 min. read—newsletter announcement] I don’t mean this to sound overly “spiritual,” but the Lord’s favor and blessing on Bridgehaven continues to be abundant. In the coming weeks and months you will begin to hear about some VERY exciting developments on the...

How the Sausage is Made: The Bridge Lab

  [3 min. read—newsletter announcement] One of the ways our team ensures that the resources we produce are of the highest quality in terms of substance, functionality, and execution is through a process we affectionately called the “the Bridge Lab.” The Bridge...

How Not to Worry About Anything

  [6 min. read—client resource]  It may sound counterintuitive, but as Christians, we should look forward to unpleasant experiences, including worry. Not to somehow enjoy the suffering, but to practice putting trust in our Father. Our goal, unlike the world, is...

Anticipatory Anxiety and Advent

  [3 min. read—client resource]  "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 How do you feel when Christmas is approaching?  Are you excited, nervous, overwhelmed or anxious?  Most...