
How to Honor Your Parents as a Young Adult

In my counseling practice, I often see young adults who struggle in their relationship with their parents.  The majority of these clients are in college and in the transition period of leaving adolescence and entering adulthood. Relational struggles stem from the...

Intensity vs. Intimacy and Pacing in Dating

In the book The Addictive Personality author Craig Nakken notes one feature of the addictive personality that compounds the difficulty in freeing oneself from addiction. He said that addicts typically make the mistake of confusing intensity with intimacy; that the...

Friendship In A Time Of Technology

It’s easy for pastors, church leaders, and even counselors to forego self-care and even easier to neglect family and friends in the name of doing “greater” Sadly, this happened to me. In the hurry of work, ministry, completing my degree, family crisis with my elderly...

Gracing with Your Presence

When a person comes seeking help for some sort of relational or emotional issue, our mind quickly shifts into problem identification mode. We analyze their life searching for patterns or themes, attempting to find snug categories, and then implementing the appropriate...

How to Listen

We are often poor listeners because we think of listening as merely hearing and retaining information. In a day of information overload, the significance of listening is easy to overlook. Consider this expanded definition of listening – listening is how you enter the...

Thoughts on Marriage

Communication: One of the most effective things I’ve heard in how to maintain communication in a healthy marriage has been the encouragement to think theologically.  This is the best launching point to live and grow in the most important relationship outside of...