
Wiley Coyote, Petards? and God’s Justice

  [4 min. read—church resource]  Oh, let the evil of the wicked come to an end, and may you establish the righteous—you who test the minds and hearts, O righteous God! My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart. God is a righteous judge, and a God who...

Suffering to Sin?

“Do not commit the crime for which you now serve the sentence”—Priest In one of my favorite movies the Count of Monte Cristo the aged and dying cellmate and mentor Priest, of hero and protagonist Edmund Dantes played by Jim Cavaziel (Jesus in Passion of the Christ),...

Overcoming Anger Video 5

Below is a video from the “Overcoming Anger” seminar presented by Brad Hambrick through a cooperation between Bridgehaven Counseling Associates and the EQUIP series at The Summit Church (Durham, NC). NOTE: Many people have asked how they can get a copy of the seminar...

Overcoming Anger Video 4

STEP 4. REPENT TO GOD for how my sin replaced and misrepresented Him. Below is a video from the “Overcoming Anger” seminar presented by Brad Hambrick through a cooperation between Bridgehaven Counseling Associates and the EQUIP series at The Summit Church (Durham,...

Overcoming Anger Video 3

UNDERSTAND the origin, motive, and history of my sin. Below is a video from the “Overcoming Anger” seminar presented by Brad Hambrick through a cooperation between Bridgehaven Counseling Associates and the EQUIP series at The Summit Church (Durham, NC). NOTE: Many...

Overcoming Anger Video 2

STEP 2: ACKNOWLEDGE the breadth and impact of my sin. Below is a video from the “Overcoming Anger” seminar presented by Brad Hambrick through a cooperation between Bridgehaven Counseling Associates and the EQUIP series at The Summit Church (Durham, NC). NOTE: Many...

Overcoming Anger Video 1

Step One: ADMIT I have a struggle I cannot overcome without God Below is a video from the “Overcoming Anger” seminar presented by Brad Hambrick through a cooperation between Bridgehaven Counseling Associates and the EQUIP series at The Summit Church (Durham, NC)....

The Forgiveness Trap

Eventually they come to the person they offended and say, “I was wrong for doing what I did. Will you forgive me?” The trap has been set. But wait a minute. You’re thinking, “What is wrong with that?” Nothing. That is exactly what should happen. I am not saying that...