
Parenting in the Digital Age

"Covenantal Parenting, Creational View of Technology, & Transformational Approach" As we take a look today at some of the technology and social media used by our children, and consider how to shepherd them…it is important for us to examine the different components...

Failure Is An Option

Yes, you read the date correctly, it is officially twenty- six days past the deadline I gave myself to have posted my next blog. I have officially now missed my goal of twelve blogs this year. I thought of ways to make it up. I could quickly write two in this month...

Family First

  Counselors Reflect on Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp A Series to Care for the Care Takers of God’s People   Is it safe to assume that your pastor is loving his wife, children and extended family? (p. 79) In the last section of chapter 5 under the heading A...