Laura McGee

Anticipatory Anxiety and Advent

  [3 min. read—client resource]  "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 How do you feel when Christmas is approaching?  Are you excited, nervous, overwhelmed or anxious?  Most...

How to Honor Your Parents as a Young Adult

In my counseling practice, I often see young adults who struggle in their relationship with their parents.  The majority of these clients are in college and in the transition period of leaving adolescence and entering adulthood. Relational struggles stem from the...

Scripture’s View of Singleness

Scripture’s View of Singleness Part 1 of V on Singles Ministry in a Couple’s Culture Church 48.6%.  That’s the number of singles currently living in the Triangle, according to the US Census Bureau. Does that surprise you? Shock you? Make you shrug your shoulders? This...