[2 min. read—newsletter announcement]
I don’t mean this to sound overly “spiritual,” but the Lord’s favor and blessing on Bridgehaven continues to be abundant. In the coming weeks and months you will begin to hear about some VERY exciting developments on the horizon that will continue to help Bridgehaven fulfill our mission: “to provide gospel-centered, clinically-informed biblical counseling to individuals, couples, and families, and to equip and resource professional and lay counselors, pastors, and churches to care for one another as image-bearers of God.”
It might go without saying, but the first part of this mission statement, “to provide gospel-centered, clinically-informed biblical counseling to individuals, couples, and families” requires us to be staffed with really gifted counselors. And, as most of our providers will tell you, the process we use to vet anyone who desires to serve with us is very, very thorough and comprehensive.
At Bridgehaven, we take the care of our clients as a stewardship, and we want to do everything in our power to make sure the clients who put their trust in us are served with the best care we can provide. This means we take literally months to interview and vet potential counselors. In short, we want our clients to rest assured that if they receive care from a Bridgehaven provider, they are receiving care from someone who we believe has been call by God to provide them biblically-faithful, clinically-sound, redemptive care.
With that in mind, I would like to introduce you to two of our newest providers: Elizabeth Ballard and Chauncey Hatcher. You can read more about both of them on the “Our Team” page on our website: https://
Each of these individuals comes to Bridgehaven with a unique story, gifting, and training the Lord has used to equip them in to provide specialized care to clients. I am so excited to see how the Lord will use Elizabeth and Chauncey to provide gospel-centered, clinically-informed biblical counseling to individuals, couples, and families here at Bridgehaven. Elizabeth and Chauncey—welcome aboard!
Tony Higgins, MA, MA, PhD, LMFT
Executive Director, Internship Supervisor, and Staff Counselor
Bridgehaven Counseling Associates