Overcoming Anger Video 4

Article by: Brad Hambrick

STEP 4. REPENT TO GOD for how my sin replaced and misrepresented Him.

Below is a video from the “Overcoming Anger” seminar presented by Brad Hambrick through a cooperation between Bridgehaven Counseling Associates and the EQUIP series at The Summit Church (Durham, NC).

NOTE: Many people have asked how they can get a copy of the seminar notebook referenced in this verbal presentation. Summit members can pick up a copy of the notebook in the church office. For those outside the Summit family, you can request a copy from Amy LaBarr (alabarr@summitrdu.com), office administrator over counseling.

“My anger is a counterfeit god mocking my Savior. I am beginning to see how offensive my anger is to God and how much pride I express trying to be/replace God. I repent not merely because my anger hurts other people or disrupts my life, but because God is superior to my anger and lovingly enables me to love Him (I John 4:19).”

Equip Seminars – Anger Pt4 from The Summit Church on Vimeo.

Memorize: Acts 3:19-20 (ESV), “Repent, therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus.” As you memorize this passage reflect upon these key points:

  • “Repent” – This is the universal call of God for every person who sins. Do not hear it as a shame tactic.
  • “Turn again” – If you have never surrendered your life to Christ the first time, talk to your group leader.
  • “Times of refreshing” – Repentance is the only way to the lasting joy and peace you seek.
  • “Presence of the Lord” – God desires for you to be near to Him. You are not approaching unwelcomed.
  • “Appointed for you” – Jesus Christ was sent for you to do what you’ve been trying to do on your own.

Teaching Notes

“Warmaking is a prime trait of sinners. It’s the image of Satan: liar, murderer, divider, aggressor (p. 32)… In this we become like the Devil himself (no surprise that the Devil is mentioned in James 3:15 and 4:7). We act exactly like the adversary who seeks to usurp God’s throne and who acts as the accuser of the brethren (p. 34)… But the angry person plays god, and in so doing plays the Devil, rather than letting God be God, and so embracing the Redeemer’s agenda (p. 41).” David Powlison in “Getting to the Heart of Conflict: Anger, Part 3” in JBC (Fall 1997).

“At the Fall, the God who is to be loved, obeyed, and served became the scapegoat for the sins of his people (p. 24)… To the degree that you have based your life on something other than the Lord, to that degree God’s love and the hope of the gospel will not comfort you (p. 98).” Paul Tripp in War of Words

“James’s answer for angry hearts is not ‘how-to’ but “Whom-to’: we must go to God himself (p. 64)… Then repent, not of the desire itself, but of the rulingness of the desire, of the way you have been letting it control your heart (p. 71).” Robert Jones in Uprooting Anger

“The Good News is always presented in terms of how love and anger come to be resolved. God expresses His love for His people by each of the three ways He expresses His anger at wrong… First, in love, the anger your sin deserved fell on Jesus… Second, in love, God’s anger works to disarm the power of your sin… Third, in love, God’s anger will deliver you from the pain of other’s sins (p. 41).” David Powlison in “Understanding Anger: Part 1” in JBC (Fall 1995).