Overcoming Anger Video 1

Article by: Brad Hambrick

Step One: ADMIT I have a struggle I cannot overcome without God

Below is a video from the “Overcoming Anger” seminar presented by Brad Hambrick through a cooperation between Bridgehaven Counseling Associates and the EQUIP series at The Summit Church (Durham, NC).

NOTE: Many people have asked how they can get a copy of the seminar notebook referenced in this verbal presentation. Summit members can pick up a copy of the notebook in the church office. For those outside the Summit family, you can request a copy from Amy LaBarr (alabarr@summitrdu.com), office administrator over counseling.

“Not overcoming my sinful anger would be more costly than anything God would take me through in the pursuit of His freedom. God is good for having brought me to this point of admitting my sin.”

Equip Seminar – Anger Pt1 from The Summit Church on Vimeo.

The PDF anger self-assessment from chapter 1 — Overcoming Anger Evaluation

Memorize: James 1:19-21 (ESV), “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” As you memorize this passage reflect upon these key points:

  • “Beloved” – God cares immensely for those who struggle with anger.
  • “Every person” – Self-control is not a punishment or extra task God is placing upon you.
  • “Quick to hear” – The opposite of anger is genuine concern for others and compassion.
  • “Does not produce” – Regardless of the immediate response you get, anger does not “work.”
  • “Put away all” – Your goal is larger than taming a few peak outbursts of anger.
  • “Receive with meekness” – Meekness is power under control marked by humility.

Teaching Notes

“The very fact that [God gets angry] tells us that anger can be utterly right, good, appropriate, beautiful, the only fair response to something evil, and the loving response on behalf of evil’s victims (p. 1).” David Powlison in Anger: Escaping the Maze

“Of the seven deadly sins, anger is probably the most fun. To lick your wounds, smack your lips over grievances long past, roll over your tongue the prospect of bitter confrontation still to come, to savor to the last toothsome morsel both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving back—is a feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is that what you are wolfing down is yourself. The skeleton at the feast is you.” Frederick Buechner in Untitled Newsletter Article

“Both revealing anger and concealing anger offend God and sabotage relationships, and call for specific biblical steps of correction and replacement (p. 79).” Robert Jones in Uprooting Anger

“We are the common element in all our communication problems (p. 40).” Paul Tripp in War of Words

“Suppression does not help anger to dissipate over time. Instead, anger turns into bitterness, hatred, and revengeful obsession. In fact, unresolved or denied anger can become a destructive force that can tear your life apart through depression, anxiety, paralyzing fear, physical ailments, or symptoms of post-traumatic stress (p. 125).” Justin & Lindsey Holcomb in Rid of My Disgrace