The Story of Bridgehaven

Why We Exist

Bridgehaven exists to provide gospel-centered, clinically-informed biblical counseling to individuals, couples, and families, and to equip and resource professional and lay counselors, pastors, and churches to care for one another as image-bearers of God. While Bridgehaven was started by The Summit Church in 2012, it operates as a separate 501(c)(3) organization. Bridgehaven is located near the Brier Creek area of RDU and offers both in-office and online counseling services, locally and globally.

Our Goal

Our goal in counseling is to see God glorified as we walk with people through life’s struggles. Our desire is to see people restored to all that God intended them to be, so that individuals, families, and communities might flourish in holistic, godly ways. To accomplish this, we address the unique dynamics of each particular situation with expert care, combining the best of evidence-based, clinical approaches with the timeless wisdom of Scripture and the powerful hope of the gospel.


As a nonprofit, donation-based ministry, the expenses of Bridgehaven are not underwritten by any individual, church, or entity. It is only through the donations of our counselees and generous supporters that we are able to operate and provide the kind of counseling and care that is the hallmark of Bridgehaven. No one is ever refused counseling because of the amount of his or her donation.*

*As a nonprofit, donation-based ministry, we rely on your donations to keep suggested client-donation rates as low as possible. We have made intentional efforts to keep our operating expenses extremely low. However, there are some expenses that are unavoidable. While the comparable-market-value for counseling services in the Raleigh-Durham area has increased in the last several years, we have been able to maintain our suggested donation range. For our staff counselors, our suggested donation range is $75 to $125 per 50-minute session with a minimum suggested donation of $50. For our counseling interns, we suggest a donation range of $50 to $75 per 50-minute session, with a minimum suggested donation of $25.