[3 min. read—newsletter announcement]
One of the ways our team ensures that the resources we produce are of the highest quality in terms of substance, functionality, and execution is through a process we affectionately called the “the Bridge Lab.” The Bridge Lab is the mechanism for content production—from idea to finished product. Whether something as simple as a blog post or as robust as an online seminar, we are meticulous in our efforts to produce content we are proud of and that serves as an extension of the same level of excellence and professionalism that runs throughout our entire ministry.
The Bridge Lab apparatus currently consists of the Bridge Director who acts as editor of all Bridgehaven’s public-facing content. It also consists of one-on-one consultations with the Bridge Director about ideas and projects staff counselors may want to produce and assisting with their development. We have also included platforms such as our Friday Focus meetings—longer form quarterly staff meetings—which will serve as a think tank and an incubator for larger projects (i.e., workshops, articles, published materials) and offer staff opportunities to receive feedback and support from the entire team on burgeoning resources. These are just a few mechanisms we will utilize to develop and refine our content and thereby care for its recipients. And we will continue to expand and iterate on our process as the need demands.
We emphasize delivering quality resources over longer intervals than lesser quality in shorter periods and copious amounts. The Bridge Lab allows us to put more eyes on content before dissemination as a form of quality control. It also facilitates collaboration between our staff counselors, helping to establish and maintain brand identity and cohesion.
Brand identity is important to us at Bridgehaven. We believe we have something unique to offer our community and strive to ensure that all our resources reflect our individuality in the Christian counseling space. And we do not want to lose who we are. The Bridge Lab helps do just that by pooling our staffs’ individual gifts and passions into a unified whole and then harnessed and aimed at satisfying Bridgehaven’s ministry mission.
This is one of the reasons the Bridge will take time to build. We do not want to jeopardize our commitment to our mission and values in favor of overproduction. We are small business minded; artisans who carefully craft counseling resources for a specific interested audience.
One of the challenges in trying to create a product slightly different and that stands out is when so many others are engaged in doing that same thing so well. But we believe we can carve a niche among the excellent Christian counseling community by simply being faithful and true to our ministry calling. We will do our part and trust God, the Faithful one, to do His.
With Gratitude,
Omar King, M.Div.
The Bridge Director
Bridgehaven Counseling Associates