DONATIONS MADE THROUGH THIS PAGE ARE NOT FOR COUNSELING SERVICES. If you are a client who has received counseling, please make your donation via the donation request sent by our office. If you have any questions, please visit the Contact page.


Bridgehaven is a non-profit, donation-based ministry. This means our ministry and staff counselors rely fully upon donations to provide our operating expenses and personal compensation.

The comparable market-value for counseling service in the RDU area ranges from $75 to $125 per 50-minute session. At Bridgehaven, however, we don’t set a charge per session. We simply ask our clients to prayerfully give as they are able. Some of our clients are able to donate at or above the comparable market-value; many of our clients, however, are not.

We seek supporters (individuals and churches) who would like to contribute to Bridgehaven, either as a way to help us serve those who cannot make a full donation for the help they receive, or to help us meet our administrative costs and to expand the types of services we provide.

There are several ways you can become a supporter of Bridgehaven:

  •  Make a one-time or recurring monthly donation to the General Fund which helps cover the expenses of operating our ministry;

  • Make a one-time or recurring monthly donation to the Proportional Hardship Fund which helps cover the costs for clients who are not able to donate at least $75;

  • Make a one-time or recurring monthly donation to  The Bridge Fund which will help to cover the development and distribution of resources intended to equip professional and lay counselors, pastors, and churches to care for one another as image-bearers of God

  • Provide a scholarship for someone who does not have the resources needed to receive counseling at Bridgehaven.

To give a one-time or recurring monthly donation to the General Fund, the Proportional Hardship Fund or The Bridge Fund, please use the form on this page and select the fund to which you would like to donate. To discuss providing a scholarship for someone in need, please visit the Contact page to correspond with our office.

If you would prefer to send a check and avoid the service fee, you can send it to 2304 S Miami Blvd, Suite 222, Durham, NC 27703.

Please pay to the order of Bridgehaven Counseling Associates and note on your check the fund to which you would like to donate.